Sunday, December 18, 2011

I'm a master!
After completing my degree program, the real work begins

Well, I’ve done it. As readers of this blog are aware, I have been working this past year on a master’s degree from Full Sail University. After a brief setback (I failed one of my courses and had to retake it) I have achieved my goal. Now it is time to put what I learned into practice.
The idea for Band Off came to me several years ago. As I began writing a business plan to support the idea, it quickly became clear that I was not the right man for the job of running the business. Full Sail emerged as the best candidate for learning the skills I lacked. As part of the process, I completed a business plan, which will  make the task easier and more rewarding.
The next step is to present the plan to potential investors, people who can move it forward. Working with local businesses in our small town to raise money for arts and music education is an exciting prospect. I am convinced that I can help others, help myself and even help improve the financial position of the town, as well. The leadership and communication skills I learned at Full Sail will stand me in good stead as I move forward.
I have six months before the first Band Off music competition and alternative lifestyle fair. That should be enough time to get done what I need to get done. It is cutting it a little close, but after waiting and working on this project for so long, after all the effort I have already put into it, I am eager to get started. In fact, I’d better get to work!
Wish me luck and look for the Band Off competition in the lovely little town of Sebastopol in Northern California. It is a band competition like nothing you have ever seen or heard.

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